General Information for Prospective Students


I am happy to hear from students seeking supervision on topics in digital media, cultural studies, 20th and 21st century British and American film and television, Anthropocene studies, posthumanism, and the war on terror.


Particular topics may include, but are not restricted to, the following:


Television and New Media (histories of British and American television; streaming services as distribution models, etc. You can also choose to offer a textual analysis of a particular series or format, or do audience research)

Cross-Platform Story Telling (adaptations, etc).

Post-Apocalyptic Fiction (and Film)

Sci-fi and fantasy (on paper and on the screen)

Artificial Intelligence in Literature and Film

Narratives of the Posthuman (examples might include but are not restricted to: Westworld, The Matrix franchise, Ex Machina, Blade Runner, etc)

Narrative Complexity and Immersive Universes in Open World Videogames

Mediating Animals: Animals in / as Media

Medicine and Media (medical dramas; medical / health narratives on paper and on the screen)

Digital Media, Digital Identities 

Climate, Conflict, Migration (in literature and film)

Instagramism and the history of Digital Photography'



Before you ask me to be your supervisor, please read through carefully the Terms and Conditions.


A Highly Selective List of Recent Theses:


Zuzana Kurinciova: The Noir Aesthetics of Hitchcock (defended: 2010)

Vallaji Peter: Anti-Nazi Propaganda in the Films of Hollywood during W.W.II. (defended: 2011, Kodolanyi University of Applied Sciences, Budapest)

Jana Fidermakova: Cyber Legacies: The Matrix vs. Inception (defended: 2012)

Majka Hyllova: Faust through the Centuries (defended with high distinction, 2012)

Szabolcs Lencses: From the Crime Scene to the Court Room: Police Work on the Screen (defended with high distinction and the Rector's Award, 2012)

Marika Kosova: MMR: Legal Threat or Easy Money (defended: 2012)

Lucia Kostalova: The Concept of Violence in Quentin Tarantino's Films (defended: 2012)

Stanka Porubenska: The Medical Potentials of Music Therapy (defended: 2014)

Katarina Velkova: Re-creating the Myth: the figure of Sherlock Homes and its Contemporary Screen Adaptations (BA 2015)

Katarina Jurdikova: American Image of World War II in Heller’s Catch 22 and Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five (BA 2015, defended with high distinction)

Juraj Miklos: Surveillance, Power, and Politics in Contemporary Television Drama (defended: 2016)

Vladimir Moncol: Narrative Complexity and Difference: Open World Architecture and Conventional Mission Based Narrative Design in Video Games (defended with distinction: 2016)

Robert Bugan: Seriality and Cinematic Universe Building in the Marvel Franchise (defended 2017)

Patricia Suchtarova: Seriality in the Star Wars Fandom: The Force Awakens (defended 2017)           

Dasa Hrubosova: In-Human Futures? Technology and the Human Condition in 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Martian and Elysium (BA 2018)

     Lukas Matiasko: Virtual Landscapes and Seriality in Open World Video Games (BA, 2018, defended with high distinction)

Natalia Sukalova: The Geek as Superhero: Scorpion and Its Contexts (BA 2018) 

Nicole Markovicova: Surveillance and Power: Brave New Worlds and Androids (BA, 2019)

     Simona Sturova: AI and the Rise of the Machines in TV and Film (BA 2019 defended with high distinction and the Dean's Award for Best BA Thesis )

     Kristina Slovikova: Representing Men tal Health in Contemporary Hollywood Film (BA 2019)



Zdenka Simaliakova: The Femme Fatale in Film Noir (defended: 2011)

Eva Barankova: The Concept of the Monster in the Hannibal Lecter Trilogy (defended: 2012)

Ludka Kasperova: Gender Stereotypes in Medical Dramas (defended: 2012)

Michal Starigazda: Trauma and Otherness in Film (defended with high distinction, 2012)

Maria Strakova: Madness and Anxiety in Poe (defended with high distinction, 2012)

Svet'a Timkova: The Feminine Movie Screen (defended: 2012)

Zuzana Kurinciova: 'Jack the Ripper' - De-Constructing the Myth (defended with high distinction, 2013) 

Majka Hyllova: Brechtian Heritage and English Drama (defended with high distinction, 2014)

Edita Drugova: Virtual Landscapes: Mapping Narrative Space in Open World Video Games (2015)

Lukas Ficek: Power and Politics in House of Cards (2018)

Vladimir Moncol: Mad Max: Exploring Modern Open World Game Architecture (2018, defended with high distinction)

Juraj Miklos: Climate, Conflict and the Politics of Crisis: Climate Change and Global Politics (2018)

Robert Bugan: Designing Middle-Earth: Exploring Tolkien’s World Via Visual Fan-Art (2019, defended with high distinction and the Dean's Award for Best MA Thesis)